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Implant over denture at Elegant Dental Center, woodland Hills, California, a treatment option gaining popularity in the field of dentistry, offers numerous benefits for patients seeking a stable and functional solution for missing teeth. This advanced dental procedure combines the advantages of dental implants with the convenience of dentures, providing individuals with improved oral health, enhanced chewing capabilities, and increased confidence in their smiles.

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As a premier solution for dental imperfections, dental veneers have gained popularity among individuals looking to enhance their smiles. In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive overview of dental veneers, their benefits, the procedure involved, and the ultimate impact they can have on your smile.

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Let us share with you how Elegant Dental Center can help you achieve a younger and happier look:


What is a dental implant? It is a screw-like false tooth made of titanium which fuses with the jawbone. Osseointegration is the process of joining the implant with the jawbone in which an item known as an abutment is used to support the crown. Implants can support partial or full dentures, resulting in improved denture stability and retention.


It can be difficult to eat if you have dental braces, especially during the first few weeks that the braces are tight. The braces irritate the gums and cheeks and you may not be able to chew as before, because your teeth are not interacting the same way. As your treatment continues and your teeth move, you will have to constantly adjust your diet and how you eat.


Here are some nutrition and benefits of drinking milk:

  • Calcium
  • Proteins
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin D
  • Phosphorus

Are your front teeth missing or decaying? Where can you get your front teeth implants in Los Angeles? Elegant Dental Center is here to provide solutions for you through Dr. Mehdi Moradiseresht, an experienced Dentist.

But what is a front tooth implant? It is a cosmetic dentistry remedy for individuals whose front tooth is missing or merely an incisor. Loss of your front tooth can be as a result of improper oral hygiene, accidents or due to trauma.


People with a beautiful smile always like to post it in social media, where it can be a source of unhappiness and lower self-esteem for those with chipped, crooked or pigmented teeth. Fortunately, there are several solutions to help solve these dental problems, and one of the most popular treatments is dental veneer.

Today, it is more and more common that people seek an aesthetic treatment for their teeth.


Welcome to our site! We are in the process of building our blog page and will have many interesting articles to share in the coming months. Please stay tuned to this page for information to come. And if you have any questions about our business or want to reach out to us, we would love for you to stop by our contact page.

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In recent years, the use of nitrous oxide in dentistry has gained recognition for its ability to alleviate pain and reduce anxiety in young patients during dental treatment. Nitrous oxide, commonly known as laughing gas, has become a reliable tool in creating a comfortable and stress-free experience for children and adult in the dental chair. This article aims to explore the benefits of nitrous oxide as a sedation method, highlighting its effectiveness in reducing pain and anxiety during dental procedures.

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