Let us share with you how Elegant Dental Center can help you achieve a younger and happier look:

How can Elegant Dental Center in Woodland Hills help you look younger?
Tooth whitening:
Just as your eyes, a set of shiny bright white pearls make your whole face look younger and happier.
Our teeth naturally darken as we age for various reasons. It could be because of the foods and drinks, although you can reverse it by brushing your teeth after each meal and drink. Also teeth yellow as a result of age regardless of what you eat or drink and here is where your dentist can come to rescue. We recommend tooth whitening once a year.
Straighten your teeth: Orthodontics
What does grab the most attention when someone smile? Straightened teeth, right? One of our most wanted treatments for teeth straightening is 6 Months Smile. As a Woodland Hills cosmetic dentistry we are happy to help our patients with this amazing treatment.
Six Month Smile is a clear dental brace that’s designed to straighten individual front teeth in around six months. It achieves pretty quick results because it’s focused on tackling cosmetic problems and straightening the front teeth.
The biggest advantage of this treatment is that it takes around six months. Comprehensive orthodontic treatment – which straightens all of your teeth and affects the way they bite together – takes around 12 to 18 months. However, Six Month Smiles only straightening your front teeth.

Do not use a vibrating electric toothbrush
When using a vibrating toothbrush, it causes vibrations that loosen the internal screw. It is enough that the crown is just a little loose so that it starts to wiggle. Remember you can not tighten the screw, because the crown is cemented at the top of the Abutment that covers the screw. You can not loosen the screw anymore without rotating the whole tooth. It is very difficult to separate all the parts in order to tighten the screw, which means that you have to replace the crown.
Change your silver fillings with porcelain fillings
Nothing gives away your age like a mouth full of silvers; Don’t you agree?
Don’t let disease camp in your mouth
Dental brush after every meal and daily floss are your best prevention method against old-looking teeth. We recommend seeing your dentist every six months for a checkup and professional cleaning.
Dental Implants
In our office, we use upper or lower denture implants to stabilize the denture.